We are a new company and established recently with staffs having more
than 20 years of sales , system planning , system development experience.
Currently, through the international business (particularly in between
Japan and China), we have ongoing projects to promote energy efficiency.
Strengths of our company is that we have ability to grasp the market
precisely and networks to consumption market.
So we can take the power to fixing the targets and to put products -
related to energy conservation and the environmental conservation
technology born in the world - on the market.
<Coaporate Profile>
Company Name
Ex BROAD Co. Ltd,.
Head Office
Mita-Fuyo Heights 110, Shiba 4-3-2, Minato-ku,
Tokyo, Japan 1080014
Tel. +81-3-6459-4094
E-mail. info@exbroad.net
URL. http://www.exbroad.net
Operational Started
April 13, 2012
Yuhei Yamamoto, President
Main Business
Eco-Solution Business :Solar Energy System
Trina Solar Japan Co., Ltd.
Worldwide Exhibitions Service Co., Ltd.(上海環球展覧有限公司)
Technical Frontier International Co., Ltd.